As Design Specialists to the Process Industry, We Drive Innovation and Performance.

For your teams to be safer, perform better, and deliver amazing results, you need standards and procedures that are well written and based on extensive knowledge and experience. PeopleCore’s professionals can accomplish this for you!


Your employees rely on precise, timely, accurate information to perform successfully. Traditional approaches to developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) involve gathering site information, as well as federal/state/local government regulations and standards, and consolidating that information. The problem with this approach, is the information that is undocumented or not readily available (such as experience or insight) fails to be included in the procedure, and a “silo effect” is created. When this key information is omitted from SOPs, employees do not have the full knowledge they need to make sound decisions. This often leads to errors in judgement that can result in costly, or even dangerous mistakes.

PeopleCore’s Standard Operating Procedure development is second to none. We go beyond traditional SOP development methodologies by taking a 360° methodical, systematic approach. Our professionals have vast knowledge and decades of experience working with multiple international corporations, both large and small, developing and enhancing SOPs to become Best in Class. This is the solid foundation on which we build procedures for both standard and emergency operations. To develop an exemplary product, we also involve not only process Subject Mater Experts (SMEs), but stakeholders across the organization. This ensures our procedures are accurate, consistent, and transferable to your organization.

Procedure Systems

Procedures must specify how tasks are executed, and are crucial to effective employee training. However, when the systems supporting and developing procedures break down, procedures become invalid and no longer get used.

PeopleCore's modular approach addresses 5 common procedural problem areas

Standards & Policy Authoring

How Should Standards Be Written?

Standards define a company’s principles of conduct and should reflect the desired company culture. They are the rules set forth that describe expectations such as quality, performance, safety, management systems, etc.

Whether they are voluntary guidelines or compliance rules enforceable by law, standards must align with your mission, business objectives and company values.  At PeopleCore, we can help you deliver meaningful standards that will positively impact both your people and your bottom line.



Procedure Development:

      • Technical & non-technical procedures
      • Program tools
      • Work Processes
      • Procedure Management Systems

Standards Authoring:

      • Best practices
      • Compliance
      • Global integration
      • Site specific customization

Policy Authoring:

      • Job safety analysis
      • Policy statements
      • Statement of rules


Arrange a free consultancy discovery call with one of our SOP and compliance specialists

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